NBA Betting Tips: Friday Games, December 1st, 2023

Welcome to our daily basketball betting column, brought to you by ThePicks and its bettors. The NBA season is in full swing!

Welcome to your ultimate destination for basketball betting tips - ThePicks! Our team of betting experts is ready to provide you with the latest NBA season picks and bets. As the games intensify teams showcase their best performances on the court.

In our daily column, you will find bets and odds for each NBA game that took place during the NBA game day. Be prepared to engage in an informative and engaging experience.

Here, at ThePicks, we are committed to providing you with an exclusive insight into betting, and now the NBA joins our menu of bets allowing you to stay ahead of the game and make smart decisions when placing your bets and picks.

In addition to the predictions, you will also find analyses and forecasts of separate NBA games when we find odds values in the betting market.

Check out our table below for today's NBA Picks Friday Games:

New York Knicks @ Toronto Raptors - 7:40 pm (ET)
Pick: New York Knicks Moneyline odds / +108

Philadelphia 76ers @ Boston Celtics - 7:40 pm (ET)
Pick: Philadelphia 76ers Alternative Spreads +8.5 odds / -160

Denver Nuggets @ Phoenix Suns - 10:10 pm (ET)
Pick: Denver Nuggets Moneyline odds / -138

DraftKings has exclusive promotions for this NBA season. Choose your bonus on DraftKings with exclusive NBA odds.

Wizards vs Magic Prediction (Dec 1): NBA Betting Tips

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ThePicksAdmin: Editor By João Bitencourte

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